Thursday, March 15, 2012

Does Mr. Peanut Deserve a Spot in your Cupboard?

My sister sent me some awesome topics today to write about!  One that she asked about is peanut butter/peanuts/other nuts.  I thought "Brilliant!  I love Peanut Butter!"  But they are confusing because, as she brings up, they are high in fat and calories but also a good source of are they good or bad??  Good news my friends, you can keep eating them. :)  First, the fats in peanut butter are the good kind. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are neccessary for your health, as are some saturated fats.  Nuts are a great source for these, and so are different nut butters.  They also are a decent source of protein.  This is why I eat it after a hard workout often, usually on apple slices. Protein is very important to eat after working out to rebuild your muscles. 
But before you go out and dive into the peanut butter, please think about what kind you have.  Regular peanut butter has peanuts, but it also has hygrogenated oils and added sugar, along with other additives. Wen you buy peanut butter, buy the natural kind.  Make sure the ingredients are peanuts and less than 1% salt.  If there is other stuff in it, it stops being healthy and becomes dessert. 
A handful of nuts is another great thing to include in your diet. This is especially true if your other choice is chips. I suggest dividing a contaner of nuts into serving sizes as soon as you open the container because it is easy to over-eat them.  Pistachios are another great choice when you buy them in the shell because you have to work to get them out.  You feel like you are snacking for a longer time because of the work you put into each nut!
All in all, you can rest assured that nuts and peanut butter are beneficial things to be eating, as long as you use them in moderation. And congrats on choosing that handful of nuts over the bag of chips!

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