Thursday, August 2, 2012

What are you Drinking? Your Calories?

I came across this picture on Pinterest and think it is an excellent example of why it is important to check the nutrition labels of what is going into your body.  The white granules in the bags below the drinks represent the sugar in each beverage.  This shows how easy it can be to drink empty calories that have no nutritional value.  Unfortunately, this is part of the reason our nation struggles with health and appropriate weight. Even the bottled water has sugar in it.  (I opt for tap water.  Less additives and so much cheaper.)  So please take note of what you are putting in your body, especially in your drink.  Those sneaky empty calories will derail the best eating plan.

Pinned Image
Note: Some people may think a solution to this is switching to diet soda.  It has no sugar and calories, right?  Sorry, diet soda is not a solution.  The aspartime it contains has been shown to be just as unhealthy, even if it is calorie-less.  Also, studies have shown a correlation between obesity and diet soda drinkers.  It is not CAUSED by the diet soda, but there is a correlation between the lifestyle choices of diet soda drinkers and the obese.  My suggestion is like everything else, use moderation.  For example, if you, like me, love Coke and Dr. Pepper, don't deny yourself, but think of it as a treat.  I have some once every 2 weeks or so.  It is a treat, not a regular drink.   

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