Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Getting the deep stuff out of the way: Diets

As promised, my second ever post is going to be about why I don't and will never support any sort of diet, weight loss plan, or anything like that - basically anything designed to be used by anyone or almost anyone. To be honest, I am a little nervous about writing this post because pretty much anyone I have ever known that follows anything like this, WeightWatchers, Adkins Diet, Paleo, Medifast, Herbalife, I could go on and on, are all SUPER passionate about it.  If you are one of those people, bear with me.  This post is not going to tell you that you shouldn't be on it.  Absolutely won't do that.
The main reason you will never see them supported on this blog comes down to genetics.  Did you ever wonder why it is that some people are allergic or intollerant to certain foods, but others can eat them without a problem?  Or how about why some people can eat the most fattening unhealthy things on the planet, but others practically gain weight looking at them?  It all comes down to your DNA.  Yep, your allergies are DNA level scientific.  That is some deep molecular stuff.  Now on top of that, add in metabolism, daily energy needs for your job, your exercise amount and preference, vitamin intake, and your body type, and you can start to see how different each person's needs are.  Not one of the diet plans published today could even hope to address every single person's needs! 
The best example I can give you is the difference between my very own brother and I.  (Thanks, Tim, for being my examle!)  My brother Tim recently found out that he is gluten intolerant.  From what I understand, according to his doctor, it was triggered by both genetics and a high intake of poor foods.  To stay healthy, Tim has now needed to cut out all gluten products from his diet.  This includes everything from bread to certain spaghetti sauces to beer to some spices even!  His diet is filled with protiens, veggies and fruits, dairy (he is thrilled he can still eat ice cream), and such things.  Then- on the other end of the spectrum- is me.  I have exercise induced hypoglycemia. (huh??) Hypoglycemia is severe dropping of blood sugar.  It is usually seen today in people who eat a lot of high processed white breads and foods loaded with sugar.  It puts them at a constant sugar high so that when they come down to normal levels, BAM!, they feel like they have no energy.  Since I eat that stuff once in a blue moon, that is not the cause. (trust me, blood tests were done. ugh needles...) My body is at a normal blood sugar level, but I lead such an active life that I literally struggle to keep enough nutrients in my body to keep going. And I literally drop.  It takes about 1 minute and is kind of creepy.  So my heathy eating involves lots of proteins and whole grains to give me staying power.  Of course there are lots of fruits and veggies involved too.  But the point is, what makes my brother sick is neccessary for my body to keep up.  If Tim ate my "diet," he would be sick.  If I ate his "diet," I would constantly be on the verge of passing out.  Both of us would be miserable.  Not a good situation for anyone. Two different genetic codes=two different sets of needs!
This brings me to another reason I dont support diets.  The focus is way too heavy on losing weight.  You probably want to say "Well, Duh! Thats the point of a diet!"  Thats the thing, it shouldn't be the point.  The point is getting and staying healthy!  Yes, a lot of times, losing weight is part of that equasion, but what happens when you have lost the weight?  One of 3 things: you have accomplished that goal so you go off the diet and gain it back, you are stuck on that diet for life so you don't gain it back, or you learn how to eat healthy on your own.  That is hard to do.  But very possible both on a specific eating plan or just on your own.  If you are wondering about how I learned, thats how.  On my own.  Trying new things and figuring out how to prepare different healthy foods so that I really enjoy them. (Lots of spices are usually involved.)  That is also what you will find in future food posts.  Simple basic facts, easy switches, and new recipes to try!
 Now, like I said before, I am not here to tell you that you should not be on whatever diet or nutrition system you are on.  In fact, I would like to congratulate you on finding something that works for you and your body!  That is a very difficult step that you have accomplished!  If you start preparing now, learning about what foods are healthy and how to continue being healthy for the rest of your life, you will be set. And of course you are excited about how well it is working for you, so you want to tell people about it and suggest they look into it.  Thats fine!  But please, please do not judge people and suggest or think that they are not healthy because they do not follow the same plan you do.  Thats the same as me telling you that I don't care if you lift weights 5 times a week and are in great shape, you don't run like I do, so you aren't heathy.  That would be seriously stupid of me! But, this happens way to often.  I have been told I am not healthy because I don't follow a specific plan way too much. Instead, let's encourage one another to find what works for each of us and build each other up! 

Phew.  I know this is a kind of heavy post.  I promise this whole blog won't be like this.  It just needed to get established before we get into the fun stuff.  Now that it is out of the way, I get to start planning my next post.  I have so many ideas, I don't know what to pick! 

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