Friday, March 9, 2012

Where in the World do I Start??

First off, I would like to thank one of my best friends, Sarah, for sharing my blog on her blog! And if you are coming to this site from hers, welcome!

So I'm hoping by now you are all like "Woohoo!  Fitness!  Yea Go Team!!"  And you are just DYING to get started!  No? Yes?  Well I'm going to pretend you are.  Maybe you have even started looking at places and ways to start getting in shape.  And you were probably blown away and possibly intimidated by all the classes, gyms, clubs, etc. out there.  Its enough to make anyone say, "I'll start tomorrow..."  Well I'm going to try and help you make sense of it all at least enough to STOP putting it off and start today.
My first suggestion is to, without looking at all the gazillion options out ther, ask yourself, "What am I interested in?" That is going to give you a great place to start. Here is just a brief list of ideas to get you started:
If you like:
  • Video games: Do you have a WII or Kinect? Go to your local DVD rental store and see if they rent  video games.  Try out one of the many fitness oriented ones!  If you don't like it, return it and try another one.
  • Dancing with the Stars: I bet there are ballroom dance classes in a city near you.  Take the plunge and sign up for one! Don't like it? Try Zumba!  I tried that once.  I may have looked silly but it was so much fun!
  • Biggest Loser: You may be one that would like to work out at a gym.  Its intimidating to start, but remember, each person in there walked through the doors and felt the same way you do.  You could even sign up for a sesion with a personal trainer to learn what workout is best for you. Theres even a Biggest Loser club.
  • Playing with your kids: Then play with them! I know its a bit cold in some areas of the country right now, but throw on that winter jacket and go play a game of tag after school.  Or ghost in the graveyard, kick the can, or pick up football.  Not only are you starting to be active, so are your kids.
  • Quiet time for yourself: Running, biking, swimming, walking, any sort of endurance activity will offer you a quiet, serene time to reflect.  Yoga would be a good idea too.
  • Action-packed fighting or action hero movies:  Bring out your inner action hero and try boxing, kung fu, karate, or any ofthe martial arts! Who knows, maybe you will see some little old lady being mugged someday and be able to save her with your newfound skills!  Throw some weightlifting in there and you will basically be batman.
  • Hanging out with friends: Get together a game of ultimate frisbee.
If NOTHING else, go for a walk this evening.  Now some of these ideas are more active than others.  Some will do a great job of getting you fit, and some will just get you started.  But that is the most important thing: to start.  Priscilla Welch has a great running quote on the subject:
"If you want to become the best runner you can be, start now. don't spend the rest of your life wondering  you can do it."
 There are a couple more key things that will help you start your journey to fitness.  When you start a new activity such as running, biking, lifting weights, taking a new class, whatever it is, do not expect to be amazing at it or even to like it right away.  It took me a solid month of running 5 days a week before I really, truly started enjoying it.  But I am so glad I stuck it out!  I still wake up some mornings dreading my run, but once I start and especially when I'm done, I feel extra proud that I got over my crankiness and did it anyways. I suggest sticking it out for one month.  If you still have no desire to continue, then try something new.  Can't stand it for that long?  At least give it 3 tries.  Then go ahead and pick a new activity.  But don't give up on exercise just because that activity wasn't for you!
My last piece of advice for you to get started is to write down your goal along with something that inspires you.  Put it somewhere that you will see it every day.  on a sticky note on the bathroom mirror.  On your calendar. By your coffee pot.  Me? I put mine right on my shoes.

So as we start the weekend, here is my challenge to you.  This week, get out and do something. Try something new.  Get back into your old workout routine.  Just go for it!  Do you need someone to hold you accountable? Post what you are going to do in the comment section.  Next Friday,  I'll ask if you did it.


  1. I am going to go for a walk/jog and possibly even find time to play some Wii to get more activity!
    :) Once again, Becky- your blog is pretty neat.

  2. I'm popping over from Sarah's blog! So glad to have discovered a blog to keep me motivated! It has been practically forever since I did any kind of exercise so I need all the help I can get!

  3. Hi Meghan! I'm so glad you popped over! I hope it helps you stay motivated. :) I'm going to go check out your blog as well. I need all the decorating and fashion help I can get...
    Sheryl, I love your goal! Its perfect! I love that you are already adding in some jogging into your walks. I know you can do it. :)
