Saturday, May 19, 2012

Time for a Workout Switch.

Well, I've officially had to make a temporary switch to weightlifting.  My knee is injured enough that I can't run more than 2 miles without some pretty nasty pain deciding to show up.  So for the past couple of weeks I have been hitting the gym and pumping some iron. :) Which is slightly awkward since I work out on a military base in the same gym as some very macho guys.  And then there is me... a very not macho girl.  But oh well.  I'm sure its a source of entertainment for those guys. 
There are a couple reasons I switched to weightlifting for a bit.  First, its to let my knee heal and to build up the muscles and tendons around it to help that healing process.  Second, because it is a really beneficial thing to switch around your workout a couple times each year.  (These rotations are called mesocycles, just in case you were curious. :)  It helps with muscle confusion.  After always running for each workout, my muscles get very efficient at it, which is great for running, but not for constant improvement.  That is the reason that after my racing season, I switch to weightlifting, or in the case of once I move, P90X.  No more complacency for these legs!  I will be doing these gym/ P90X workouts for about the next 3 1/2 months, with a couple running weeks thrown in there for variation and for when I can't get to a gym.  After that, I will switch back to a primarily running regime, starting out slowly and working up to my usual long distances.  And the best part about weightlifting for a bit?  I feel super strong and I get to wear my super cute pink weightlifting gloves! Sweet!!

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