Wednesday, April 11, 2012

So I Almost Hurt Myself This Weekend...

Hey friends!  I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while.  I've been working on my case studies for my exam and they are BRUTAL!  I'm averaging threatening to throw the computer out the window about once a day.  Lovely times. 
Anyways, I wanted to mention something really stupid I did this weekend.  On Saturday I went for a 13 mile run, but I started having some major pain in places that I have never had pain before, like my arches and my hips, as well as in my knee that I have to brace.  I'm not talking about muscle pain.  That can be worked out through, and actually should be. (I know it sounds strange, but if your muscles are sore from working out yesterday, do a light work out today.  It actually helps!) I'm talking about joint pains and other strange pains that are not normal. So what did I do? I got all stubborn and kept running because I "had" to get those 13 miles in.  By the time I was done, I could barely walk. There was a real possibility I had actually injured myself, all because I was stubborn.  Thankfully, I was okay.  A couple hours later, most of my pain was gone. I just felt a little stiff the next day.  I ended up changing to a new pair of running shoes that had not been worn down and it seems to have fixed the problems. 
The moral of the story is to know your body.  You can push through a lot of different pains when running (or working out in whatever way), but be aware of any severe pains that feel like they could be dangerous.  I wish I could give you a list of what those were, but its different with everyone. Usually, if its a stabbing or searing type of pain in joints, I know I need to stop.  If its dull pains, I keep going and am fine.  Long story short, don't stop working out for any old muscle pain, but when you feel something that worries you or you think might be serious, take a break.  If in doubt, call up your doctor and ask if it is a serious type of pain and how to strengthen your body to work through it.  Know your body. Find your limits, push them, but don't hurt yourself in the process.

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